My life, so far, has been an amazing journey.

It started small as a poor farm girl from Texas, who always tried to be successful in what ever I did. Along the way, I received my doctorate degree in Neuroscience, and started to work in the pharmaceutical industry as „The Deal Closer“ helping the sales team to close multimillion Euro contracts with our pharmaceutical clients.

My sales career was hugely successful because I had figured something out that was unique. Something about what inspires people to buy a product or service from me as opposed to buying from my competitor.

I understood what motivated my customers. What they wanted. What they didn´t want. What was keeping them awake at night, and how I could solve their problems.

Then in 2003, the competition hired me and moved me from Austin, Texas to Soligen, Germany. I became their Deal Closer, until 18 months later when I quit my job and decided to start my own company.

Scared but excited to change the world and live my own dream, the company turned into a huge success. In a little over a five year period of time, I expanded my GmbH which was located in Deidesheim Germany to 10 companies in 9 countries around the world. I had 53 amazing employees working in my offices in India, Argentina, Switzerland, Germany, Hong Kong, Chile, Panama, Mexico and the USA.

And, at the time I sold the companies in the fifth business year, the company was valued at 3 million Euros. 

Then I started my current business, Business Beyond Borders, to help people in Europe grow amazingly successful businesses. And to deliver inspirational keynotes to audiences around the world, so that they too step out of their comfort zone, and take action toward a truly fulfilling life.

I love being a professional inspirational keynote speaker for more than 13 years, and have spoken to tens of thousands of people around the world. I have shared the big stage with the legendary Brian Tracy, Lothar Seiwert, Les Brown, Nick Vujicic, and many, many others.

So how did I do that as an American woman, living in Germany, who at the time didn´t even speak the language?

It was the combination of the right positioning, the right sales strategy, the right mindset, and many other ingredients that came together from my hard work all at the same time.

I learned what made me unique on the market, and I built my business and my teams around that. 

And I found that one of my biggest strengths is to inspire people to find their own value in their lives, and in their businesses if they are business owners. And to use what makes them unique to create a life that they really love.

My main role is to be a transformation expert. I help people to uncover their own value and find their true zone of genius. I enable them to use these talents that make them an exceptional employee, leader or business owner. Just look at the many success stories on this website (amazing people doing amazing things).

And at the same time, I am a motivational expert. I motivate people to take action. Big Action. Life Changing Action. And I get to do that on the big stage over and over again. And people tell me that from just one keynote, I have changed their perception and their lives. I am lucky to have that job.

And of course, I am a business building expert. In the last 4 years alone, through my seminars and private bookings, I have been on the executive teams of hundreds of growing business in Germany, and throughout Europe.

If I can help you in any way with an event, where you need an inspirational keynote speaker, in German or native English, please do let me know. I am well booked at the moment, so contact me as soon as you know the date of your event.

Or if I can help you to build your business, please check out the upcoming business seminars and my academy to help you grow a successful business in Europe.

Let me know how I can help you to reach your biggest level of success in your business or in your life. I can´t wait to hear from you soon! 

Über Dr. Renée Moore
Über Dr. Renée Moore
Über Dr. Renée Moore